Wednesday, October 19, 2011

To Increase or Decrease?

I requested input on my diet here, on my personal blog, on 3FC, and on Facebook.  I got a variety of suggestions, many of which were contradictory (basically what I expected).  I thought a lot of the suggestions were very reasonable and implementable so that was great (like vegetables to eat!).

One thing I wrote was that I thought I should probably increase in calories to break my stall.  Some people were neutral on that point.  My Paleo coach friend told me to increase and I re-consulted the NRLW diet and they definitely recommend being much higher than I am now (assuming my BMR is similar to what the calculations predict it to be).  But nearly everyone on 3FC who commented on my calories thought I should decrease.

After reading all of that, I decided that I'll give 1300 calories/day a shot for a few weeks and then go above 1500 calories/day if that didn't work.

That decision lasted about a day.  On Monday I ate a bit over 1300 calories and on Tuesday I ate nearly 1400 calories.  But I was hungry.  I don't even remember the last time I was hungry at the end of the day!  The food I eat now is so satisfying. I know I'm working out hard and my body is telling me to eat more, so I'm going to give it more.  I'll try increasing first and just listening to my hunger and if that doesn't break my stall I'll think again about going lower.  I'm going to try to trust my body.

1 comment:

  1. Ive read about increasing calories too, but never tried it. I just to track or pay any attention to them. But I do think its a long term suggestion, not a quick fix, right?
